
The Land Registry maintains a register of Strata Plans and administers the Strata Titles Registration Law (PDF, 285 Kb, 28 pages) and Regulations PDF, 95 Kb, 24 pages) . The Strata Plans typically comprise plans of the Strata and a copy of Strata By-Laws, if these have been amended from the statutory By-Laws within the Law.

Strata Fees

Transaction Type



Registration of Strata Plan per strata plan     CI $50  (US $60.98)
Opening of Strata Plan Land Registers per strata parcel opened CI $30  (US $36.59)
Notification of Destruction of Building per notification CI $50  (US $60.98)
Amendment to Strata By Laws per set of amendments CI $25  (US $30.49)
Amendment to Strata Plan per amendment CI $10  (US $12.20)