Support for Form 32: Application to Combine/Subdivide/Reparcel

Required Forms

Form 32 Application to

(PDF, 19 Kb, 1 page)

Use this form:

When you wish to;

  • Merge two or more existing parcels into one (combination)
  • Split an existing parcel into one or more parts (subdivision) 
  • Combine one or more existing parcels for to allow for a subdivision where the new boundaries extend over more than one parcel (repacellation)

 The three different processes are commonly known as mutations, as a parcel boundaries are mutated from one shape to another. 

Submission Requirements

In submitting this form you should enclose the following (where applicable):

  • Removal of any Restrictions or Cautions, or consent of cautioner (if required)
  • A plan, clearly and accurately indicating the requirements of the mutation (normally prepared by a Licensed Land Surveyor)
  • Planning Consent or a letter from Planning stating that they have granted permission.  This will often require a restriction to be placed on the property until certain requirements of the physical mutation have occured. 


Type Registration
Per Parcel created CI $50
(US $60.97)

Forms (Mandatory)

When completing the form ensure that:

  • The form is completed in duplicate, with both copies being submitted to the Department   
  • Amendments are initialed by all parties. The use of correction fluid is not permitted