Support for Form RL 17: Release of Profit, Easement or Restrictive Agreement

Required Forms

RL 17 Release of Profit, Easement
or Restrictive Agreement

(PDF, 74 Kb, 2 pages)

Document Submission Log
(PDF, 184 Kb, 2 pages)

Use this form:

If you have been granted the benefit of a Profit, Easement or Restrictive Agreement (also known as Restrictive Covenant)  and wish to relinquish those rights.  This Form can only be used by the beneficiary of the original document, and not the grantee. 

Submission Requirements

In submitting this form you should enclose the following (where applicable):

  • Completed submission record, ensuring checklist to the rear of the form is completed
  • For Easements, a plan, clearly indicating the Right of Way being cancelled (preferably by red crosses) 

Once signed the form should be submitted to the Lands & Survey Department within 45 days of first signature, unless signed outside of the Cayman Islands , to avoid the accrual of late submission penalties.


Type Registration Stamp Duty
No Consideration CI $50
(US $60.97)

CI $50
(US $60.97)

Consideration CI $50
(US $60.97
Ad Valorem Duty payable on a Conveyance or Transfer of Land

Forms (Mandatory)

RL Form must be completed in Duplex format. If you do not have a Duplex Printer, print page 1, reinsert the page to the paper tray, and print page 2.

When completing the form ensure that:

  • Ensure that the right being relinquished is clearly stated, ideally making reference to the entry number or Instrument Number granting it
  • Full names are stated (or as recorded on the existing Register), with signatures witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or member of authorised Land Registry staff, and correctly dated. Notary Public’s whose commissions do not expire must state so on the Registration Form.  The signatures of authorised personnel of local banks do not require witnessing.   
  • Full address is stated, including postal / zip code
  • Amendments are initialed by all parties. The use of correction fluid is not permitted