Use this form:
When you have been granted rights to administer the estate of a deceased person, and in performing that function are transferring property to persons entitled to the esate under the Will or an Intestacy (where no Will was prepared);
Submission Requirements
In submitting this form you should enclose the following (where applicable):
- Completed submission record, ensuring checklist to the rear of the form is completed
- Copy of the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (or resealed foreign probate) if not previously registered as owner, appointing Administrator of the Will or Intestacy
- Removal of any Restrictions or Cautions (if required)
- Chattels List (if deduction for Chattels made)
- Land Certificate (if issued)
- Removal of Charge (or consent from bank holding charge) in favour of transfer to beneficiaries (if applicable)
Once signed the form should be submitted to the Lands & Survey Department within 45 days of first signature, unless signed outside of the Cayman Islands , to avoid the accrual of late submission penalties.
Type |
Registration |
Stamp Duty |
Standard Transaction |
CI $50
(US $60.97) |
CI $0
(US $0)
Forms (Mandatory)
RL Form must be completed in Duplex format. If you do not have a Duplex Printer, print page 1, reinsert the page to the paper tray, and print page 2.
When completing the form ensure that:
- Full names are stated (or as recorded on the existing Register), with signatures witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or member of authorised Land Registry staff, and correctly dated. Notary Public’s whose commissions do not expire must state so on the Registration Form
- Full address is stated for the Beneficiary, including postal / zip code
- Amendments are initialed by all parties. The use of correction fluid is not permitted