Other Documents

The following list is not exhaustive but deals with other documents relating to real estate on which duty is payable under the Stamp Duty Law (Revision 2013).  Many documents also attract Registration Fees, further details of which can be obtained here.

Fees may be paid by;

  • Cash
  • Cheque drawn on Cayman Islands Bank
  • International Money Order or Bank Draft

With Cheques, Drafts and Orders made payable to the 'Cayman Islands Government'.

Administration of an Estate

 See Probate



Amount Criteria

CI $50
 (US $60.98)

Stamp Duty Law (Revision 2013). 


Power of Attorney

Amount Criteria

CI $50
 (US $60.98)

Including a letter of Attorney, unless specified below

As Conveyance on Sale or Transfer

In respect for Real Estate, given for consideration (payment)

Where declared irrevocable

Exercise of Power of Attorney in respect to any Real Estate interest, other than by Will


Amount Criteria

CI $10
 (US $12.19)

every grant of Probate or Letters of Administration

CI $1.50
 (US $1.83)

every oath or affirmation of an executor, administrator or attesting witness

CI $0.50
 (US $0.61)

every inventory and affidavit

Release of an Interest

Amount Criteria

CI $6
 (US $7.32)

Unless specified below

As Conveyance on Sale or Transfer

Where the release provides for another to use, or otherwise gain benefit from Real Estate

CI $50
 (US $60.98)

Release from Charge / Mortgage

Withdrawal of Caution


CI $50
 (US $60.98)